Exposure to the sun's rays can be a serious aggression if proper care is not taken before, during and after sun exposure, which is why skin care and protection are the objectives of the Gisèle Denis sun care line. As "Experts in Sun Care", at Gisèle Denis we develop innovative formulas adapted to each skin type and capable of covering all the skin's protection needs, offering products that incorporate active ingredients that help prevent symptoms such as spots, dehydration or skin inflammation and that are specifically formulated to offer 360PPR (Prepare, Protect and Repair) comprehensive skin protection.

Facial ampoules for perfect summer skin
Summer is one of the most desired seasons for all of us. Feeling the sun's rays on our skin and enjoying our vacations by the sea fills us with happiness and vitality. Discover the infallible trick for perfect skin in summer.

Facial ampoules for perfect summer skin
Summer is one of the most desired seasons for all of us. Feeling the sun's rays on our skin and enjoying our vacations by the sea fills us with happiness and vitality. Discover the infallible trick for perfect skin in summer.

How to protect atopic skin in summer
It's time to put winter aside and welcome the good weather as it deserves. The arrival of spring and summer means that the days are getting longer and we can enjoy more hours of natural light. Moreover, according to several scientific studies, sunlight brings us great benefits for our health: it stimulates the production of vitamin D, helps us to strengthen our immune system and considerably improves our mood.