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Me he quemado con la exposición solar ¿qué hago?

I have been sunburnt, what should I do?

Top tips for treating erythema or sunburn

Abusing sun exposure entails serious damage that will depend on the duration of exposure. Rocío Franco, our pharmacist specialising in dermo-cosmetics, talks to us about the dangers of sun exposure and gives us the best advice for treating erythema or sunburn.


Overexposure to the sun causes serious damage depending on the duration of exposure. There are four types of solar radiation that reach the earth's surface:

1. UV-A radiation: 30-50% of UV-A rays reach deep into the dermis and are responsible for skin ageing and melanoma.

2. UV-B radiation: These are very energetic and are responsible for skin erythema. They penetrate at epidermal level and cause skin tanning. It is responsible for about 75% of the carcinogenic effects caused by solar radiation.

3. Visible radiation (luminous effect): has the capacity to produce spots (hyperpigmentation) on our skin and worsen existing ones. We absorb it in the epidermis and dermis.

4. Infrared radiation (heating effect): penetrates into the hypodermis and causes skin photoageing. It promotes the harmful effects of UV-A and UV-B and increases the likelihood of cancer due to its ability to cause changes in cellular DNA.


The term erythema is used professionally to describe reddening of the skin that is usually caused by the accumulation of immune system cells. This redness can manifest itself topically, when it affects a limited portion of the body, but it can also be generalised.

When referring to solar erythema, the redness is related to excessive exposure to heat and sunlight. This is one of the most common types of erythema in the population, often resulting in burns.


After sunbathing we must take care of our skin, as the effects of its radiation are harmful both in the short and long term. Erythema or sunburn is the most immediate consequence of exposure to the sun without adequate protection, but it is not the only one.

The effects of skin photoageing on the face appear quickly as a consequence of sun exposure. Wrinkles, facial sagging, blotchiness and dullness appear.

The effects of sun exposure on the body are reflected in skin dryness and redness in the short term and sagging skin in the medium term. It is therefore important to treat the skin after sun exposure with products that have high moisturising and repairing properties, especially if we have been sunburnt.


- A body milk is not the same as an after sun. It is recommended to use specific after-sun products that are specially formulated to repair the skin after exposure to the sun.

- Use soothing products. An after-sun product should be required to have a soothing effect that reduces skin irritation (redness and pain).

- Look for formulas with a cooling effect. Using such formulas will lower the temperature and the level of inflammation of the skin.

- Prioritise anti-inflammatory actives, such as phytosterols, which will help soothe the discomfort of erythema.

- Cell regeneration is key: This minimises the damage that the sun has caused to the skin, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin and recovering the skin's firmness.

- Antioxidants, essential: The sun produces a significant amount of free radicals that cause photoaging. Antioxidants help neutralise the damage caused by free radicals.

- Avoid depilation: At least for a few days, as the skin will be very sensitive and the use of razors and/or wax can worsen the irritation.

- Avoid exfoliation, at least until the redness and pain have disappeared. When the dead skin cells begin to be removed, gentle exfoliation can be performed.

- Hair also suffers: After sun exposure, hair also needs extra nourishment to restore the hair fibre and seal the cuticle.

- Do not continue sun exposure: Wear clothing with UV protection, stay in the shade and moisturise. Never forget to continue using sunscreen according to the skin phototype.


Our after-solar or "repair" products meet all these factors.

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