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How to get a perfect tan before summer

How to get a perfect tan before summer

This year, prepare your skin for summer and get a tan in less time

Summer is approaching. The days are longer, we can enjoy more hours of sunshine and the good weather invites us to change our closet, to dust off the clothes of cheerful shades that let us see more skin. However, the mirror gives us a much less flattering image than the one we remember from last summer. Our skin is crying out for color to make us look more beautiful, but there are still weeks to go before we can lose ourselves on our favorite beach, so at Gisèle Denis, we offer you the ideal solution to get the perfect tan without having to wait for the vacations: our Super Instant Tan routine.

Now it's possible to have a beautiful tan without setting foot on the coast. By combining the facial and body versions of the Gisèle Denis Super Instant Tanner, you will achieve a golden, even and very appealing tone. Thanks to its innovative formula, this tanning pack has a double action on melanocytes and incorporates active ingredients that stimulate melanin synthesis, allowing you to obtain a natural tan from the first five days of use.

by applying them twice a day, morning and evening, their Tyrosine and Riboflavin content stimulates melanin during sun exposure, boosting and accelerating your tan. And, at times when the skin is not directly under the sun, it is the turn of Natural Peptides, which act on the melanocyte by activating melanin, generating and maintaining the tan.

This combo, specifically indicated for facial and body skin, has a light, fluid, silky and easily absorbed texture. Among the functions of Gisèle Denis Super Instant Tanning products is that of preparing the skin for future sun exposure, whether at the beach or while practicing our favorite sport or any other outdoor activity.

Thanks to the active ingredients with which they are enriched, they regulate and maintain an optimal level of skin hydration, nourishing it in depth.

The Super Instant Tanning Routine

And, remember, to get a beautiful, healthy and long-lasting tan, it is important to accompany the use of Gìsele Denis Super Instant Tanner with these tips for healthy sunbathing:

  • Practice progressive exposure. When it comes to tanning, we all want quick results, but patience is our best ally when it comes to our skin. We're at an advantage because we'll arrive at the beach with the beautiful golden hue that will help us achieve our Super Instant Tan, but we should try to sunbathe gradually and avoid sunbathing during the middle of the day.

  • Prepare and protect the skin before sunbathing. We must not forget to exfoliate it well, to get rid of dead cells and leave it clean and ready for sun exposure, which we will never practice without a cream with a protection factor appropriate to our skin type.

  • Moisturizing is a must. To keep our skin well hydrated, we must start doing it from the inside. Drinking at least two liters of water a day is a must and if water is not your favorite drink, try spicing it up with the fruit you like the most. You will get a refreshment with a light flavor that will make it more appetizing.

  • In addition to hydrate inside we must also do it on the outside, nourishing our skin with the cream or oils that best suit the needs. Maintaining a beautiful tan for longer has a lot to do with moisturizing the skin, once cleansed, after exposure to the sun.

  • Follow a balanced diet rich in antioxidants. It is scientifically proven that foods rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene are involved in the tanning process. For this reason, incorporating tomatoes, apricots, broccoli, carrots, spinach or kiwis into our diet will help to improve skin pigmentation, achieving an even and long-lasting tan and defending our body from the harmful effects of the sun.

This year, to make the most of the sunny days and enjoy a beautiful, healthy and longer-lasting tan before, during and after the summer vacations, try the Gisèle Denis Super Instant Tan routine and follow these tips step by step. You'll look more beautiful than ever and your skin will look healthy and evenly tanned for longer.

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