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Tomar el sol en verano: cinco consejos clave

Sunbathing in the summer: five key tips

When summer arrives, we all think about outdoor plans, wearing light clothes, eating ice cream and sunbathing. Don't youfeel the same?

But remember that we must take some precautions so that we don't pay for the excesses in the future.In thisarticle we want to give you five tips to take into account when sunbathing in summer. Take note!

what are the best times to sunbathe?

Although receiving the sun's rays is very beneficial for our health, in summer we must take some precautions if we don't want to have any scares later on. The ideal is to sunbathe when your shadow is longer than you are. That is to say, during the early morning or late afternoon, when the rays are less powerful and do not fall from the highest point. So remember: from 12h to 16h it is best to be in the shade.

Hydrate well and frequently

One of the best-kept secrets to a healthy body inside and out is hydration. Especially if you plan to sunbathe in the summer. Exposure to the sun tends to dehydrate us, so drinking plenty of fluids in small sips throughout the time we are in the sun is a good way to take care of ourselves. Do you already put this advice into practice?

Choose a good sunscreen

A basic. If you're going to sunbathe, it's best to be well prepared for it. At Gisèle Denis we are experts in sun care, which is why we have an extensive range of products that will help you protect your body, face and hair from the effects of the sun. We have also developed products specially designed for children and people with atopic skin. Would you like to take a look at our sun care range?

Protect your head and eyes even on cloudy days

Spending too much time in the sun can be uncomfortable for your eyes and can even end up giving you a headache. A hat or visor and sunglasses will help limit the sun's most damaging effects on your well-being. Wear them even on grey days. Clouds and breezes can be a little deceiving, but remember that the sun is always there.

how long can I sunbathe each day?

Experts agree that sun exposure should be progressive. In the first days of summer, between 10 and 30 minutes a day could be enough. From then on, we could extend the time spent on the towel back and forth. However, remember to follow all the advice we have given above to avoid any surprises in the future.

And you, do you have any extra tips for sunbathing in summer? Share them with us on our social networks!

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